
Experiencing DDD Europe 2020

DDD Europe is the world’s leading Domain-Driven Design conference, held every year at the end of January or early February in Theater ‘De Meervaart’ in Amsterdam, Netherlands. This year marked the 5th edition of the conference. The main conference is 2 days and was held in the first week of February. However, this is not the only thing the event has to offer. Last year they had a DDD Foundations pre-conference day. Apparently, this was such a success, that this year they did it again and added a second double-packed pre-conference day where you could learn all about Event Sourcing. 

2020-03-06T23:42:22+01:00March 6th, 2020|Categories: Events|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Experiencing DDD Europe 2020

Domain-Driven Design: What are Bounded Contexts and why should you define them?

Large complex systems tend to be difficult to maintain. They never start out like that. They start small, sweet and innocent. However, the system evolves. Features are build on top of features. The world around it changes.  Functional requirements change as business changes, but also the organisation, the teams and the people. When a system evolves into a monolithic style system, it becomes very difficult and expensive to adapt it to the altering world. By building the system as several smaller delimited systems that work together, you can create a system that better reflects the business and is more flexible to change.

2019-01-16T16:40:32+01:00January 16th, 2019|Categories: Software Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Domain-Driven Design: What are Bounded Contexts and why should you define them?

Ubiquitous Language. A Domain-Driven Design concept a project team could benefit from immediately

Domain-Driven Design is a large topic and a study on itself. Applying all the concepts has a steep learning curve. It doesn’t always have to be difficult though. A few concepts can quickly enhance a project; one of them is Ubiquitous Language. What is it and why should your team create one?

2018-11-18T23:41:43+01:00November 18th, 2018|Categories: Software Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Ubiquitous Language. A Domain-Driven Design concept a project team could benefit from immediately